HHO Installation on land vehicles, marine and genset (2009-2012)

Dipublikasikan pada 26 Des 2012

Installation of this fuel saving devices using HHO generator that uses water-based materials.
water is described through a reactor types DRYCELL packed together with reservoir.
The decomposition of water produces a gas called HHO gas (Hydrogen Hydrogen Oxygen) used to save fuel on the various machines.
The benefits of using HHO Generator Fuel saver Joko Energy as the following:

1. Saves fuel consumption ranging from 20% to 80%.
2. More powerful engine.
3. Very friendly environment.
4. Cleaner engine combustion chamber of carbon crust.
5. Make ageless engines.
6. Restore the original performance.
7. More refined engine sound.
8. Speed can be increased beyond the previous speed.
9. Replacement of engine oil longer.
10. Lower engine temperature.
11. Do not change the vehicle's engine.
12. Very safe to use.
13. Maintenance is very easy.
14. Warranty tools electrolyser and PWM: 1 year.
15. Provide parts at a price that is more affordable

HHO tool has been installed in various types of machines such as in: Car, Truck, Forklift, Ships and electric Generator (Genset) from 2009 to 2012 and the video you will see this is real proof.
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